Product description Do you suffer from varicose veins and painful, swollen legs? You are not alone! Modern lifestyles lead to us either standing or sitting for extended periods, putting immense strain on the veins in our legs. Due to this constant pressure, fluid enters into the surrounding tissue, causing legs to swell and ultimately can result in enlarged and visible varicose veins. Many factors can lead to vein disorders: age, pregnancy, lack of exercise, prolonged sitting or standing, obesity, constipation and certain hormone treatments are the main causes. THE RED WINE SOLUTION Through extensive research medical scientists have proved that extracts from Red Vine Leaves have significant health and healing properties. These medical trials proved that the flavonoids found in the Red Vine leaves reduces the symptoms of tired legs, and relieves the sensation of tension, tingling and pain, as well as significantly reducing lower leg swelling. VENAVINE PLUS - NATURE'S ANSWER These flavonoids of Red Vine Leaves are the active ingredient in Venavine Plus so by taking the capsules regularly strengthens capillaries and helps to maintain leg vein circulation. This significantly reduces fluid loss into the surrounding tissue and alleviates the causes of venous problems and ultimately varicose veins. The culmination of improved circulation and reduced pressure provides dramatic relief to swollen painful legs and will significantly reverse the unsightly look of varicose veins. Ingredients Per Capsule:Red Grape Leaf extract 250mg, Circulation 50mg blend containing Japanese knotweed extract (providing 10mg reservatrol), grape skin extract, grape seed extract (95% polyphenols),muscadine grape (15% reservatrol)
1 month ago
2 months ago