Lime Green Duro Basecoat Duro is a general-purpose base coat lime render that's both practical and eco-friendly. Great for renovation, conservation or eco-friendly new builds, it offers superior levels of breathability - perfect for walls with damp or salt problems since water can evaporate easily and does not remain trapped where it can damage stone, brickwork and wood. Duro lime render is also flexible and long-lasting, so it's more resilient to cracking or crazing compared with a standard render. Duro lime render is completely free of cement, gypsum, acrylic, ash and Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA), so is perfectly compatible with traditional building techniques. Duro is applied as a standard render undercoat either by hand or machine and finished with Lime Green Natural Finish self coloured render. For situations where extra warmth is required see our Ultra undercoat, which contains insulating glass beads. You can buy Lime Green Duro lime render directly from us or through a range of national merchants. And as we maintain good stocks, you can be certain of a high level of availability, even for larger projects
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago