Cryo4 Gold Ligature Small HR Soprano. Diamond gold, first class all the way. Apart from its stunning appearance, however, the Silverstein ligature has numerous radical design attributes that provide real world benefits. Choose type of instrument from dropdown. The patented design is such that the Ligature covers a minimum amount of surface area on the reed, while still being able to maintain an incredibly firm grip. The Tension Adjustment pulls up (rather than just pinching the sides like most other ligatures) and the remarkable design allows the tension to ease throughout the cord evenly over time. The result is the purest sound formed from the natural vibrations of the reed. The custom engineered cord meanwhile is designed to facilitate the natural vibrations without adding to them in any way, and the core has been constructed and quality tested to never stretch. The eye-catching design of the Silverstein Ligature does more than just attract attention. Its form is a minimalistic approach to the concept and purpose of a ligature's function. From the grand concept of liberating a reed's natural vibrations, to the execution of the Ligature that does that and more, this is a machine worth your attention. The ligature for perfectionists. The Silverstein Ligature was designed to give players the purest sound, to accompany musicians with the support and dedication they and their instruments deserve.The self-adjusting design adjusts itself and conforms to your mouthpiece over time, actually getting even better and growing with you. Use the patented Fine Tuner Bars on the sides of the Ligature for unprecedented control. Moving the bars up and down will change the color and focus of your sound. No other ligature allows such an easy one-touch adjustment for the perfectionist in you. The Moisture Retention feature provides real constant moisture directly to your reed. Soaking the Ligature before mounting can help reduce reed warpage during a performance by more than 50%, a...
1 week ago
1 week ago