Mr Makhana is gluten-free and a rich source of calcium and protein.Made from the finest ingredients, non-fried snacks, no added preservatives, gluten-free and natural flavors. It is roasted in Olive oil and zero trans fat. Low on calories, high on nutrition. Makhana, also known as foxnut or lotus seeds, are a healthy, nutrient and antioxidants packed alternative to chips and popcorn. They are roasted and seasoned with herbs, spices and olive oil, which pairs well with tea and can be relished as an on-the-go snack too. Makhana acts as an anti-oxidants, very light, easy to digest and and good for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They are traditionally an Indian product. It is a healthy snack that help you stay energized and focused throughout the day Mr Makhana is all about snacking in a delicious healthy way. Not only is it rich in antioxidants but is also a scrumptious snack.As it's not fried, but roasted in Olive oil, it's mild yet impactful flavour makes Mr Makhana a perfect everyday Munchie for all age groups. It's light on your body but the big on your plate!
1 day ago
2 months ago