The ergonomic design allows you to perform your exercises pain free thus allowing you to focus on your form and increase performance.⭐️Additionally, the Advanced Squat Pad is made of shock-absorbing high-density foam rubber reducing shocks on your spine.⭐️Our anti-slip matte finish ensures the weight positions and stays on your shoulders while you squat.You know the king of all booty exercises is the hip thrust to build strong and round glutes.But thrusters can hurt doing them and can even discourage you from doing them at all!Well we solved your problem thanks to this incredible hip pad.You can now concentrate on the squeeze and burn of your glutes completely pain free and finally get that perfect peach butt! You can finally train comfortably and make super-fast progress;which means super-fast gains!⭐️Featuring the Highest Quality Neck Pad in the Market⭐️Lift Heavier Weight Without Discomfort!⭐️Reduces the pressure on your back and shoulders when performing heavy squat sets.⭐️High density rubber foam barbell padding absorbs all shocks for increased comfort and reducedUsed in the best gyms across the Nation.We use top of the line quality materials to offer you the best product in the market.Securing straps are included to fix the pad in its place and prevent any slippage.Lightweight and compact, perfect for carrying.The professional gym quality foam used in We is hypoallergenic.Our Pad Set includes:One Hypoallergenic High Density Foam Neck Pad.Portable storage bag.Two Safety Straps.
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