About the Author Tami Egonu is a proud bibliophile with a penchant for naughty but tasty food and overpriced cocktails, much to the amusement of the many characters residing in her head who get up to all sorts of mischief, depending on how potent the cocktail (they think it’s a hoot that she’s now writing in the third person). When she isn’t eating or drinking, Tami loves to take long walks (it helps her hips and head to stay on track) and she adores travelling to all points of this precious earth. New characters, including ghosts, often invite themselves into her world and always charm their way into a novel. She has written six novels – contemporary and historical, including romance and horror. Thank you for taking the time to read, especially when there is so much to choose from in the beautiful land of books. You can join Tami at www.facebook.com/author.tamiegonu/ and www.tamiegonu.com for all kinds of delicious non-edible/alcoholic treats.
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