Your purchase helps supporting developing communities too! As an abundant growing plant, seagrass can be found in shallower waters where sufficient light is available for the plant to grow. Small coastal communities that have traditionally been fishing villages are now hand harvesting seagrass as alternative means of critical income. As seagrass is a niche market, no mass or commercial harvesting of seagrass takes place, so you can rest well knowing your purchase is a net benefit to the planet.How is our seagrass sustainable? First, it's not actually a grass, but a flowering plant that has adapted to brackish and shallow water. This means seagrass are found all over the world in the tropics, central America, the North African Coast, the Mediterranean Sea, the Indo-Pacific and the seas around Japan and Australia. In some regions, seagrasses form vast underwater meadows that become important habitat and play an important role in the ecology of coastal ecosystems.
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