No matter what guise she takes on, Baroness is one of the most dangerous and capable foes that G.I. Joe has the misfortune of facing! This 7” scale, highly-articulated SDCC edition G.I. Joe ULTIMATES! Baroness is inspired by the vintage, Indian market exclusive Rednok action figure, features multiple interchangeable heads and hands, intricate sculpt and premium paint detailing, and comes with an array of weapon action figure accessories. You're sure to see red if you miss out on adding the SDCC edition of G.I. Joe ULTIMATES! Rednok Baroness to your collection! From eye-catching heroes and devious villains to indispensable Greenshirts and a phalanx of Cobra Troopers, Super7 has all the G.I. Joe toys every fanatic will need! Super7 makes retro collectibles, vintage toys, and nostalgia gifts for pop culture fanatics and collectors. We grew up with giant monsters, comic books, punk, science fiction, skateboarding, robots, and rebellion. No one made what we wanted. So we made it ourselves.
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