"Question: How is Wheatgrass a superfood? Answer: Wheatgrass is an extremely healthy food for the body with every known mineral to man and its full of readily absorb-able vitamins like Vitamin A, B-Complex, C, E, I and K proteins and 17 amino acids which give tons of natural energy! Question: How does Dinuwa Wheatgrass help me feel more energy? Answer: Dinuwa Wheatgrass is a natural Anti Oxidant that rapidly kills free radicals in your body which is like carrying a heavy backpack for a long time and then shedding it off! You'll feel a lightness in your step, you'll have more energy, and your immune system will bounce back. Question: Why is Dinuwa more nutrient dense and fresher than the competition? Answer: Our farmers have been growing specific to this product usage in mind for over 2 decades and have perfected the timing of planting, days of sunshine, and plant stages. Harvesting just prior to the jointing stage and when all the other factors are optimal ensures extremely high nutrient density. Its then handled with speed and care to get naturally drying through the Phytolive proprietary drying process which keeps the plants within a safe range of heat through the whole process to ensure we dont needlessly kill the nutrients in the plant. Question: Why are the location of the fields important to the quality of the product? Answer: We grow at high elevations in the mountains of southern Utah which give us a very high number of sunshine days in our growing season. We are also at the foothills of ancient volcanoes which annually replenishes the soil with rich nutrients from natural watershed. Since we grow it, we have limited supply!Grab yours today from .com exclusively"
3 days ago
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