THE WEIGHT LOSS AND BODY TONE PROGRAM and THE latest NEW RELEASE from Kettlercise. Kettlercise IGNITE DVD “Exercise That Works” is the follow up to the #1 Best Seller ‘Kettlercise Lean-in-14, 14 Day Transformation System. Ignite is designed for those already familiar with a Kettlebell looking to take their training to the next level and the Kettlercise team brings you 3 x’s brand new 30 min high energy, calorie crunching workouts all with their own twists and uniqueness!! WORKOUT 1: AFTER BURN A full on workout using the legendary kettlebell complete which we refer to as ‘fat melters’ for a complete all over body workout. Approx run time: 30 min WORKOUT 2: DETONATOR A 30 minute traditional Kettlercise workout using the BSM System of training. To give it its technical name you may know it as EPOC (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption). Some people seem to think that this could be the secret to faster fat loss. Approx run time: 30 min WORKOUT 3: MELT DOWN A ‘non-stop calorie crunching half hour’ blending kettlebells with body weight exercise to deliver cardio chaos at its best. Approx run time: 30 min These programs are NOT for everyone....... They aren't for you if you have not bought any of our other DVD's like Kettlercise Lean IN 14: Kettlercise Just for Men: Kettlercise Just for Women, Kettlercise Unplugged OR never even picked up a Kettlebell before... If you haven't then this DVD is definitely NOT for you! However... It’s definitely for you if you have prior experience in any of the above areas... PLUS if you fancy something to just 'give you that extra special boost' in your training and if you want “Exercise That Works”............ be prepared, I did warn you!!!. 1 Disc DVD Workout: Total Run Time - Approx 90 mins
1 month ago
3 weeks ago