Review “Never Too Busy to Cure Clutter shows that whether we have one minute, or an entire weekend, we can make real progress toward curing the clutter that’s weighing us down. Turns out, it’s not that hard—when we know where to start.” (Gretchen Rubin, author of Better Than Before and The Happiness Project)“This book walks you through the steps you need to manage your time, and your stuff, as efficiently as possible. An invaluable tool to help you tackle any room in your house.” (Kristin van Ogtrop, managing editor of Real Simple and author of Just Let Me Lie Down)“Finally! A set of clear, doable steps to a clutter-free life. Erin Rooney Doland provides the perfect balance of guidance and flexibility so readers can transform their homes now —no matter how busy or overwhelmed they are.” (Asha Dornfest, author of Parent Hacks and Minimalist Parenting)“Short on time? Erin Rooney Doland’s new tome, released in January, is eminently practical…The advice is categorized by room as well as by project… A pack rat turned obsessive minimalist who helms, Doland speaks from experience.” (New York Post)“I know I will never reach neatness nirvana. Which is why I appreciated Ms. Doland’s awareness that decluttering strategies will only stick for the long run if they make life easier, not harder, for you.” (Diane Cole, Wall Street Journal) From the Back Cover ALL THE ADVICE AND MOTIVATION YOU NEED TO KICK-START YOUR HOME ORGANIZING PROJECT . . . ON YOUR SCHEDULEWhether you have thirty seconds, one minute, five minutes, or fifteen minutes, this organizing daily devotional offers tips, checklists, weekend projects, quizzes, and encouragement that will help you find the time, motivation, and permission to let go of sentimental clutter, set up storage solutions, and establish routines that make sense for your life.Filled with practical advice and small, doable projects that were created with your busy life in mind, Never Too Busy to Cure Clutter is a loyal resource, as well as a workbook, that you can rely on for straightforward, inspiring advice and tips you can return to time and time again.Yes, you’re busy, but you’re never too busy to cure clutter. See all Product description
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