Serpentine★✔An earthing stone, serpentine also opens new pathways for the Kundalini energy. It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration. Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives.SUNSTONE★✔Since "sun" is in this gemstone's name, it's no surprisesunstone is associated with the radiance ofthe sun and the energy it produces to sustain life. LAPIDOLITE★✔A natural source of lithium,A soft stone in mood andon the Mohs scale,Brings inner peace andharmony Gentle in serene shades of lilac wineYELLOW Quartz★✔Yellow Quartz is an energizing crystal that uplifts the spirit and offers us creativity and joy.UNAKITE★✔Unakite is said to be a stone of vision, opening the third eye. It is also believed to be a stone of balance, grounding the self while bringing emotions and spirituality togetherRED JASPER ★✔Red Jasper is a member of the Chalcedony mineral class. It is an opaque version of quartz with a vitreous luster and opaque transparencyGREEN AVENTURINE ★✔Green Aventurine is known as the "Stone of Opportunity," thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance.
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