TheBZComapany always focus on providing the best value to our customers. Reliable quality & 100% responsibility, to manufacture each product, strive to be your choice. 🍻 Package Includes:- The Perfect Combination ☕ 2 Double-Walled Glass Mugs 🥄 2 Classic Golden Stainless-Steel Spoons 🍻 Product Specifications Mug: Capacity : 12 oz / 350 ml Height : 116 mm / 11.6 cm Top Diameter : 83 mm / 8.3 cm Bottom Diameter: 60 mm / 6 cm Material: Borosilicate Glass Heat-Resistant : -20°C ~ 120°C Color: Transparent Spoon: Length: 137 mm / 13.7 cm Wide: 30 mm / 3 cm Weight : 13 gm Material : Stainless-Steel Color : Golden 🍻 Why Double Wall & What Is Borosilicate Glass: Borosilicate glass is a heat-resistant glass that is perfectly suited for hot and cold drinks. While borosilicate glass is naturally lighter than traditional glass it is stronger and more resistant to temperature changes and scratching. Double wall glass allows your hot beverage to remain hot for a longer period of time while keeping the outer glass cool to the touch. Your cold beverages will remain cool inside while the outer wall remains free of condensation. 🍻 Always Be Graceful Gorgeous, elegant and classy looking coffee mugs, leave no wet condensation ring or heat ring on the tabletops, which eliminates the need for a coaster. 🍻 Easy To Clean To extend service life of the coffee mugs and avoid liquid from the hole into the mug, we recommend that you wash by hand instead of the dishwasher. 🍻 A Wonderful Gift Each Cup & Spoon are placed in a sperate white box. It could be an ideal gift to your loved ones.
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