For thousands of years people have heard the story of a man who was eaten by a whale and lived to tell about it! But never in all that time has it been told by vegetables ... until now! Get ready as Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and the rest of the Veggies set sail on a whale of an adventure in Big Ideas first full-length feature film. Filled with music, laughs and some of the silliest adventurers ever to be swallowed whole, this is the story of Jonah and the Whale as you've never seen it before - a story where we learn that one of the best gifts you can give - or get - is a second chance. Includes hilarious, never-before-seen outtakes! Rated G - 83 minutes - Format: NTSC / Region 2 - 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound - English/Spanish Audio Bonus Features: Audio Commentary with Phil Vischer & Mike Nawrocki * Audio Commentary with Larry the Cucumber & Mr. Lunt * Behind the scenes * Making the movie * The Studio Process * Jonah and the Bible * Big Idea Tour * Music video of Billy Joe McGuffrey, In The Belly of the Whale, The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything * Khalil's Answering Machine * Extra Coutertop Scenes * Karaoke * Family Fun Activities * Six DVD-Rom Games * Trivia * Character Bios * Hidden Eggs * and much more!
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