Black Forest Spring Snacks are fruit flavored snacks that include strawberry, raspberry, watermelon, mango, and pineapple flavors in the spring-themed shapes of flowers, Easter baskets, bunnies, chicks, and doves. These are perfect for filling Easter eggs, gifting in Easter baskets, or just enjoying on the go! With so many flavor combination to be made, it’s the perfect springtime-snack for filling Easter eggs and baskets! With 28 packs of these fruit flavored treats, your Easter guests will be coming back for more. Share or decorate with Black Forest Spring Snacks to make your Easter that much sweeter. Black Forest Spring Snacks are fruit flavored snacks that include strawberry, raspberry, watermelon, mango, and pineapple flavors. These festive, Easter basket fillers come in spring-themed shapes of flowers, Easter baskets, bunnies, chicks, and doves. Celebrate Easter with a fun Easter treat that will brighten your day. These Easter-themed treats are a colorful snack that is exciting to eat and fun to share. With so much to go around, you'll have no problem meeting your Easter needs! With 28 pouches of fruit flavored snacks, you'll have more than enough to stuff Easter eggs for an egg hunt, add to Easter baskets, or to restock your pantry. Black Forest Spring Fruit Flavored Snacks are gluten free, fat free, an excellent source of Vitamin C and Colors that come from Real Sources.
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