VNR guava is sweet with a crunchy texture. This fruit is usually eaten unripe and raw. Its white flesh, less seeds, and green bumpy peel, are all edible. The VNR-Bihi guava ranging from 300 gm to 850 gm, which is so big and has a long shelf life. VNR guava is a vary important variety within all type of guava. Early fruiting variety, harvesting suggested from 2nd year onwards. VNR Bihi is Research led innovative Guava Variety. This variety is developed by VNR Nursery a private research organization in horticulture sector. VNR Bihi is India's biggest Guava, It is unique in all aspects. This is a grafted Guava Plant can grow almost all indian climate and Soil. You can easily plant on the terrace also in the pot. This shrub Plant can increase the beauty of your home and garden.
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