U-ELVAIR 100% Organic Palm Oil is perfect for Cooking all kinds of food like Rice, Yam Porridge, Plantain, Cocoyam, Potatoes, Soups like Vegetable, Egusi, Ogbono, Palm nut soup, Cassava Leaf Stew, Banga Soup, Okra, Ofe-Nsala, Ofe Onugbu, Efo, Stew, Ayamasa, Ofada Sauce, Garden Egg Stew, Beans and many others. UElvair Palm oil has rich nutty taste and distinct aroma that makes it so unique. Red palm oil is rich in tocotrienols and tocopherols which are sources of Vitamin E. Over the years, Palm oil have been used in the production of biscuits and cookies, for baking bread, production of margarine and butter oxidation, used for frying which gives a crunchy and crispy feel. It used in manufacturing of soap and cosmetics. It is usually applied to the skin for glow and hair for growth. U-Elvair Palm oil is produced in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria where the best palm oil is produced with no additives or any other ingredients. It is 100% pure Natural Grade A, Epo, Manteca de Corojo.
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