Instinct freeze dried raw meals grain free recipe dog food is a healthy dog food that provides a superior alternative to traditional kibble. Featuring 3x more real meat and nutrient-rich organs, this raw dog food is perfect for a significantly healthier meal. Each bite boasts more animal-based protein, ensuring your dog receives the best nutrition available, translating to happier and more exciting meal times. Unlike traditional dog foods, our raw recipes are never cooked. This preservation method maintains the full integrity and nutrients of the ingredients, resulting in 100% complete and balanced meals for your furry friend. Freeze-dried to retain essential nutrients, our minimally processed pet food supports optimal digestion and nutrient absorption, offering benefits that cooked kibble just can't match. Feeding your dog raw food can promote healthier digestion, lean muscles, strong bones, and vibrant skin and coat. This healthy dog food is made without grains, making it an excellent dog food grain free option. Additionally, it contains no corn, wheat, soy, legumes, artificial colors, or preservatives, ensuring only the purest nutrition reaches your pet's bowl. Harness the power of raw ingredients with Instinct's minimally processed dog food, made from real meat and whole food ingredients. Our products are protein-packed and madein the USA with the finest ingredients from around the world.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago