Ready to enjoy an awe-inspiring adventure without leaving the comfort of your home? The Tsvetnoy collection of adult paint by number kits on canvas is a genuinely delightful and healthy way to unwind after a busy day, to boost your creativity, and to enhance your environment. Alleviate stress and relax after work: These diy paint kits for adults provide an outlet for stress and something to look forward to after a hard day. Tsvetnoy paint-by-number kits are a proven way to concentrate on beauty and experience positive emotions. Self-care time for moms : Each number painting for adults project is a liberating and relaxing escape from diaper changing, meal preparation, and house cleaning. In addition to creating a gorgeous masterpiece, moms will boost their self-esteem and energy levels. Brighten up your surroundings: You’ll be amazed how good it feels to be the artist-in-chief creating a stunning work of art! This framed adults' paint-by-number kit presents just the right combination of challenge, inspiration, and endeavor. Tsvetnoy DIY painting kits for adults come in gift boxes and include: An expertly stretched natural cotton canvas; Safe acrylic paints of the right consistency and intensity, so the result is compelling and professional; An Easy-To-Follow Manual in 11 languages, a Qr code with video instruction, and a colorful and black-and-white checklist, all so you can complete the project even with no prior painting experience or skills; A wooden subframe that anchors your canvass and adds elegance to your painting; Three nylon brushes with sturdy wooden handles; Acrylic varnish; A wall mounting. Order your Tsvetnoy adult paint-by-number kit now and enjoy unlimited artistic adventures at home!
2 months ago
2 months ago