This deck contains the following cards:Monster (x20):Agido the Ancient Sentinel (x1) - Ultra RareKelbek the Ancient Vanguard (x1) - Ultra RareKeldo the Sacred Protector (x1) - Ultra RareMudora the Sword Oracle (x1) - Ultra RarePharaonic Advent (x2) - Super RareQardan the Clear-Sighted (x2) - Super RareZolga the Prophet (x3) - RareThron the Disciplined Angel (x3) - RareWorld Soul - Carbon (x3) - CommonMystical Beast of Serket (x3) - CommonSpell (x6):Temple of the Kings (x3) - CommonDragged Down into the Grave (x2) - CommonCard Destruction (x1) - CommonTrap (x14):Gravekeeper's Trap (x2) - Ultra RareBlast Held by Destiny (x2) - Ultra RareExchange of Despair and Hope (x2) - Ultra RareExchange of the Spirit (x3) - CommonBlast Held by a Tribute (x3) - CommonSoul Levy (x2) - Common
3 days ago
1 week ago