Product Description The Thera Cane Massager helps to oxygenate blood by allowing pressure to be focused on certain muscle groups for instant relief. The level of pressure of the device depends upon the exercise used. Due to the advance design the massage Thera Cane allows for a variety of different exercise positions. The Massage Thera Cane is used by focusing light pressure of short periods on certain muscle groups. This would then be followed by a rest period to stop over use. This added discomfort will fade away after a restful sleep and certainly within 12-36 hours. The following day it will be helpful and soothing to work on the same area using a lighter touch. It would also be followed by a hot bath and rest to make sure the full effects can be felt. A systematic approach regardless of the technique used will heighten your awareness of different exercise for your own personal learning. The Thera Cane was original developed for chronic pain patients to help relieve their own discomfort, resulting from neck surgery and a herniated disc. By using the Thera Cane along with a daily stretching routine you can obtained long lasting relief. Directions [General steps for using a massager] 1. Locate the areas on your body that require massage. 2. Position the massager's knobs on the desired areas. 3. Apply gentle to moderate pressure, moving the massager back and forth or in a circular motion. 4. Continue massaging for several minutes or as needed, adjusting pressure and movement as necessary. 5. When finished, clean the massager as instructed in the product's 'product_information' or 'product_description'. P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Safety Warning Use away from water, check for damaged cords, avoid sensitive areas of the body. Box Contains 1x Thera Cane Massager See more
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