Giant Pixy Stix Singles are a great way to start off your gift-opening extravaganza on Christmas morning. While you start up your day with your favorite caffeinated beverage, you can get the kids fueled up with Pixy Stix candy to have them up and running for the day's events. Sometimes Christmas starts early, and with one of these sugary treats in everyone's hand, it'll feel like the morning is the perfect time to get started. Plus, each of these Stix really are gigantically sized, so you'll have to be sure to pick up an equally gigantic stocking just to keep them under wraps and fill them up with similarly large items along with a few of these Pixy Stix for your family to enjoy. Weather you want a little or a lot of sugar-filled goodness over the holidays, Wonka Giant Pixy Stix Singles have you covered. Wonka Pixy Stix Giant Pixy Stix Singles 4 Flavors 0.42oz: Extra-large rendition of your favorite sugar powder candy Made in an extra-large size to fuel the extra-large events of the holiday season Comes in single Stix for you to pick up as many or as few as you need Stix are available in the flavors: grape, orange, blue raspberry, and cherry Great way to stay feeling sweet as you spend time with family and friends
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