Here's a list of all the categories and the amount of images included: Bed Headbroads (25 images), Picture Hangers (25 images), Street Lights (15 images), Trim Designs (30 images), Clock Designs (8 images), Clock Dials (15 images), Clock Hands (5 images) and Bonus Images (442 images). REMEMBER... similar images on popular stock agency web sites cost anywhere from $10 - $15 to download ONE vector image with a standard license and it's likely not even optimized for vinyl cutting. The Architectural Wall Art Volume 1's affordable price means each image only costs a few cents each. The Architectural Wall Art Volume 1 comes with an ENHANCED license which includes unlimited reproduction, vinyl cutting and printing! Enhanced licenses on the popular stock agencies cost $100-$210 PER IMAGE! Look it up on Shutterstock if you don't believe me. It would cost a small fortune to license each image for unlimited reproduction, therefore you will save a lot of money by getting your artwork here.
4 days ago
3 weeks ago