Product Description YOUR NEEDS CHANGE EVERY DAY, SO SHOULD YOUR DVD! Yoga for Athletes™ is the ideal complement for any sports enthusiast looking to build strength, stamina and flexibility. Whether a novice or experienced yoga practitioner, this DVD will increase performance and help reduce the risk of sports related injuries. Choose from 16 different sports! Running, Tennis, Skiing, Golf, Soccer, Cycling, Swimming. Football, Basketball, Kayaking, Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, Hiking, Volleyball, Baseball, Weightlifting, each with 12 customized workouts Dozens of workouts to choose from! The Interactive Personal Trainer™ revolutionizes the practice of yoga in the home. Unlike other videos that may contain one or two workouts, this DVD contains dozens of workouts of varied lengths and purposes. Get into shape, relieve stress, become stronger and more flexible & increase energy with your own Interactive Personal Trainer™. Barbara Benagh has been a yoga practitioner for 30 years and her insightful teaching style is renowned for its strength, creativity and emphasis on breath awareness. As both an avid road cyclist and advanced yoga practitioner, Barbara has developed an understanding and appreciation of the benefits of cross training with yoga. Barbara has contributed many articles for the Yoga Journal. .com Athletes can build flexibility and strength for their sports by cross-training with a targeted yoga workout. Yoga for Athletes presents 12 different customized yoga sessions ranging from 20 to 60 minutes for each of 16 sports: baseball, basketball, cycling, football, golf, hiking, kayaking, martial arts, rock climbing, running, skiing, soccer, swimming, tennis, volleyball, and weight lifting. Choose your sport, then select from a dozen yoga workouts emphasizing certain muscle groups (such as hips, shoulders, legs) or skills (balance, twisting, strength). Instruction is slow and detailed enough for beginners to learn the poses. Instructor Barbara Benagh, an avid road cyclist and an advanced yoga practitioner with more than 25 years of teaching experience, uses voice-over to explain carefully how to do each pose. Jason Gordon, an advanced practitioner, demonstrates the poses clearly. --Joan Price See all Editorial Reviews
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