Modified fors ELM-327 can for use with all Fords and Mazdas since 1996 VehiclesELM-327 USB MS can support via toggle switch (MS/HS can) The ELM-327 USB unit supports all modern Ford vehicles including models that require high data refresh rates ,ELM-327 USB it also supports as standard older vehicles at 38400 baud. ELM-327 USB It will also work on all non Ford OBD2 compliant cars with the appropriate software. ELM-327 USB Functions:* ELM-327 USB read/erase fault codes from ALL modules, including OBD2/EOBD * ELM-327 USB access modules on both HS-CAN and MS-CAN mode*ELM-327 USB read vehicle configuration * ELM-327 USB actuator tests* ELM-327 USB Live Data *ELM-327 USB injector coding* ELM-327 USB software updates * ELM-327 USB service procedures* ELM-327 USB force DPF regeneration * ELM-327 USB programming*ELM-327 USB coding * ELM-327 USB adaptationsELM-327 USB Supported modules: GEM IPC DDM PDM RDDM RPDM AHCM PAM ACU SRM KVM IPMA SODL SODR BCM TCM PCM ABS HEC EHPAS CCM PSCM HCM RCM SASM FACM ACM SRM SDDJ ELM-327 USB Supported software: ELMconfigForscan FoCCusFF2 etc etc.Key words: elm-327 usbelm-327 modified modified elm-327 elm-327 elm-327 fors forscan elm-327usb usb obd2 ford obd obd usb ford elm obd2 adapter elm -327 fors elm-327 usb modified modified elm-327 usb ford usb to obd elm-327 usb elm 327 elm 327 elm 327 elm-327 usb
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