Product Description M. V. says: The pain in my hip bone due to leiomyosarcoma is very much reduced after taking coffee enema, may be internally also it is doing a good job. At present I am 90% pain free and feeling more energetic. Thank you so much! -- A. N. says: I really feel the difference. After the procedure it keeps me energized the whole day. My skin has become toned and feels excellent. -- M. K. says: I am using your coffee for colonic irrigation and it’s wonderful. The best I have ever used! -- B. J. says: Great results, much better than using store bought coffee. I gave a kilo to my health care practitioner and not only did she think it was the highest quality enema coffee she’s ever gotten here in Europe, her patients that used it had very good results too. We will definitely order more. -- A. C. (health care practitioner) says: Found the coffee fantastic. Have info on my website about it and I will recommend you. Best wishes! -- N. W. says: Really good results, thanks! (using in conjunction with the Gerson therapy) K.C. (health care practitioner) says: Clients loving your coffee. -- M. L. says: My hair stopped falling out and the bags under my eyes went away. -- M. K. says: So grateful to your top quality enema coffee to help me heal. * * * * * * BEWARE and BE CAREFUL * * * * * THE NAME GAME: Some detox coffees use the word 'pure'. CALLING SOMETHING "PURE" DOES NOT MEAN IT IS. PURE is simply a marketing term. "Pure coffee" can contain pesticides. How ironic for you to be detoxing while introducing harmful chemicals into your body's soft tissue! Only use CERTIFIED ORGANIC, containing no harmful toxic pesticides or fungicides. Explanation of Pictures: 1. The package you will receive 2. Inside of the high-barrier bag which keeps the coffee fresh. This isn't a cheap plastic, foil or paper bag! 3. RobustaHealth purpose roasted coffee looks compared to typical 'drinking coffee' 4-6. Certification certificates. 7. Back label of bag. 8. IOA organic certification for EU regulations. Ingredients 100% Robusta coffee, certified organic. P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Directions Always consult your health care practitioner before using this product. Safety Warning Always consult your health care practitioner before using this or any product when embarking on any health care regimen. Box Contains 1 x Organic, 100% Natural Detox Enema Coffee See more
2 weeks ago
3 weeks ago