Keep all your necessities on hand with the Time And Tru Ainsley Bulk Clutch. This gorgeous clutch features two side pockets and a zippered center pocket to provide you plenty of space to hold your items. It's the perfect size for holding a wallet, phone, makeup, pepper spray, or anything else you may need for on the go. It's the perfect clutch for going to a party, club, or just running errands around town. The attached wrist strap makes it so you always have it on hand. It's available in multiple patterns, so you can choose the one that best fits your style and outfit. Bring home the Time And Tru Ainsley Bulk Clutch today. Time And Tru Ainsley Bulk Clutch, Floral: Perfect for holding a wallet, phone, makeup, pepper spray, or anything else you may need for on the go Attached wrist straps makes sure you have it on hand Features two side pockets and one zippered center pocket Great for going to a party, club, or just running errands around town Available in multiple patterns
1 month ago
2 months ago