*Good for insomnia problem (sleeping disorder) *Promotes longevitySky fruit is commonly used as a herbal remedy that helps improve blood circulation, control blood sugar in diabetics, and helps cure impotency. The revelation of various substances that the fruit contains may give reliable scientific clues of how efficacious the fruit is and how numerous sky fruit health benefits are. This fruit is considered as 'King fruit' & 'Miracle fruit'. How to consume: *Peel the shell and swallow the inner seed with water like how you would swallow a pill. *Break the shell and take out the seed. Consume inner seed only. Sky fruit is extremely bitter, so use gloves to peel. *Eat half of the seed if your sugar level is below 200 and take full seed if it is above 200. *Take it in the early morning immediately after brushing your teeth. Avoid drinking coffee, tea, milk or any other food for one hour for best results. It has no side effects. Using mahogany seeds for diabetes treatment is one of the best natural ways to maintain normal level of sugar in the blood. Health Benefits of Thean Kai: *Used to control blood sugar level and helps to treat diabetes. *Used to treat skin allergies. *Used to reduce blood cholesterol levels which helps to avoid heart attacks. *Most women consume the seed as a powder to treat menstrual pain. *Used to decrease foul breath. *Helps to get relief from constipation *Used to treat infections in liver *Helps to keep the immune system strong *Its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties is used to effectively treat malaria. *Cures asthma *Acts as an agent for cancer prevention *Relieves gastric problems *Lowers glucose level in blood *Improves immune system and body strength *Develops blood production system *Useful in asthma treatments *Increases
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