For Pro’s and DIY’s, Klean-Strip® is the leading brand of solvents, thinners, removers, and cleaners that are dependable for reliable results. Klean-Strip® Green™ solvents are effective high-quality products. Klean-Strip® Green™ Odourless Mineral Spirits is made with 65% more renewable resources and has 65% lower fumes than traditional mineral spirits. It has a unique, patent-pending formula containing Odourless Mineral Spirits and has 65% lower VOCs than regular mineral spirits. It contains no Hazardous Air Pollutants and no ozone depleting chemicals. Read entire label prior to use or storage. Keep out of reach of children. Not for sale in South Coast AQMD. Cleans up interior jobs Thins oil-based paint Thins stain and varnish Cleans brushes and equipment Use to clean paint splatters
2 weeks ago
1 week ago