Harris Pyrethroid-Resistant Bed Bug Aerosol Spray is the most effective at killing bed bugs of all types and their eggs. There are small pockets of pyrethroid resistant strains of bed bugs in located in some cities in the US. For those strains, tough pyrethroid resistant insecticides are needed to effectively eliminate the bed bug colony. We recommend using this product indoors with a combination with bed bug aerosol and diatomaceous earth powder. Always follow label directions and keep out of reach of children. Kills the Toughest Pyrethroid Resistant Bed Bugs Residual Control Kills Bed Bugs for Up to 16 Weeks Use indoors only Registered with the Environmental Protection Agency for Use in Homes with People and Pets (No. 1021-2570-3) Odorless and Non Staining Formula Kills on Contact and Leaves No Visible Residue Always Follow Label Directions & Allow the Spray to Dry Thoroughly
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