Arm & Hammer™ Odor Defense Shoe Refresher Spray with the power of Fresh Guard™ technology combines Arm & Hammer™ Baking Soda with other odor neutralizing ingredients to deodorize and eliminate shoe odor. Fresh Guard™ technology destroys stinky odors on contact to refresh shoes, sneakers, and all types of athletic gear. Upside down or right side up this spray works conveniently where you need it! Contains Arm & Hammer™ Baking Soda and odor neutralizing ingredients to deodorizes & eliminates shoe, sneaker and sports gear odor! Refresh & rejuvenate shoes, sneakers & sports gear! Contains sweat activated Fresh Guard technology™ to help destroys stinky odors on contact in shoes, sneakers and sports gea The convenient spray works upside down or right side u The spray is safe to use inside leather shoes, boots, sandals, sports gear and all types of fabric.
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