The FoodSaver FM2000 Vacuum Sealer System with Starter Kit Bag/Set keeps stored food fresh way longer than traditional freezing methods. It can keep food fresh up to five times longer, and when freezer kept, can seal in freshness for up to three years. The FoodSave handheld vacuum sealer has simple operation and provides a consistent and reliable seal that removes the air surrounding stored food to limit exposure and space for water molecules to freeze, which causes dreaded freezer-burn. Remarkably, no flavor is lost. The machine keeps food of all sorts as delicious and fresh as the day it was sealed, essentially stopping time in its tracks. The unit also includes an innovative drip tray to keep clean-up fast and easy. Use the FoodSaver FM2000 Vacuum Sealer System with Starter Bag/Roll Set for an innovative and smart solution for long-term freezer preservation. Food preserved with the FoodSaver System in the freezer can last up to 3 years and still taste fresh, flavorful, and freezer-burn free When food is protected from air and freezer burn, everyday meal planning is easier, and you spend less time grocery shopping when you buy frequently-used items in bulk Just add food to the bag, insert the open end into the FM2000, and the machine takes care of the rest Patented removable drip tray, which collects any excess liquid and debris that may result from vacuum sealing, helps keep countertops clean and is dishwasher safe FoodSave handheld vacuum sealer and bag removes the air surrounding stored food Each vacuum bag is designed to take the form of the food, reducing storage space.
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