Enjoy the convenience of this Outdoor Recreation Group Set of 3 Ultimate Dry Sacks for your outdoor adventures. They're a simple way to protect your gear while camping or on recreational trips. They feature three different sizes (2 liter, 4 liter, and 10 liter) and are in colors Blue, Red, Yellow. Tthese outdoor products ultimate dry sacks are compact, lightweight and coated with polyurethane to repel water. They are reinforced with double stitches and the roll tops are easily compressed and sealed tight to prevent moisture from seeping in. These outdoor products ultimate dry sacks make it simple to pack clothes, gadgets, maps and other important items inside. They are not for storing food or water. They are easy to toss in your car or truck for a fun weekend getaway with friends and family. They are suitable to be used by a senior, adult, teen and kids. They are not intended for full submersion or flotation. Outdoor Recreation Group - Set of 3 Ultimate Outdoor Light-weight Dry Bags: Colors: Blue, Red, Yellow Weather Resistant Dry Bag Outdoor products pack ultimate dry sacks are super compact and ultra lightweight Polyurethane-coated for ultimate water and weather resistance Roll top allows maximum compression Roll top closure allows for maximum compression Double stitched and watertight taped sealed seams help keep gear dry Soft and flexible material for easy packing Includes one of each sized bags: 2 liter bag - 12.7" x 7.5" 4 liter bag - 15.1" x 9.2" 10 liter bag - 21.5" x 10.5" Use to hold your clothing, electronics, maps, cooking utensils, knives and more Easy to place in your vehicle for a trip outdoors Each is sized differently to accommodate your various needs and organization Use to take a small vacation with the family Not for storing food or water Not intended for full submersion or flotation Additional accessories shown in images not included with purchase
1 month ago
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