Fuel Injection Hose consists of a fluoroelastomer inner lining which gives protection against petrol, oxidised petrol, ethanol extended petrol, and diesel fuel. In recent years the ingredients included in the petrol we put in our cars has changed. Various Ethanols and Oxegenators have been added to make fuel cleaner and more efficient. Unfortunately, these Ethanol & Oxygenator additions to Petrol are chemically aggressive and have a tendancy to infiltrate and attack the rubber compounds historically used to make fuel hosing, 'O' rings and accelerator pump diaphragms. These rubber components perish, swell and crack under the influence of Ethanol and ultimateley fail in their function.Weeping fuel lines can cause FIRES! R9 fuel hose has been designed to work with modern fuels and has less than 3% of the permitivity of 1980s & 1990s fuel hose. It even out performs the "A1" (ISO 7840) hosing mandated for use in the marine environment, where they are hugely stringent about fire-safety!
1 month ago
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