Banila Co. Clean It Zero is the signature item of the brand! It has won a number of beauty awards and is loved and sought after by millions of girls. It has a soft pudding texture, contains mild botanical ingredients, and with conversion technology, can penetrate the pores and easily dissolve and remove all kinds of makeup and waterproof makeup. Cleanse the skin, while providing exfoliating, brightening, moisturizing effects, leaves the skin clean and refreshing!Product Features: Gentle and clean: Pudding-like cream is soft and easy to apply, will not excessively rub the skin, easy to remove makeup and dirt. Moisturizing: Contains sweet tea, malpighiaceae and other extracts, to lock in moisture into skin and will not harm the stratum corneum. Suitable for eye & lip: Even delicate eye and lip skin are suitable to use. It can also improve dull complexion and rough skin, leaving skin smooth and radiant. Refreshing and comfortable: Dose not contains oil, greasy and not suffocating, the fresh scents of flower helps to relax your mind.
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