Boost Your Daily Productivity With The Daily Planner And Notebook By ZICOTO. Use ZICOTOS’ daily to do list notebook (8.5x6.4”) to plan and work smart to achieve your daily goals. By organizing and mapping out each day you can stay focussed on your daily tasks, which ultimately leads to an amazing boost in productivity, less stress in exchange for more free time. Optimized organization and planning for the win! Our undated planner for to do’s & more is ready to achieve great things with you. Thanks to its beautiful modern design with golden accents and a white elastic band it makes boosting your productivity even more fun! The clever back pocket adds some extra space for private notes, personal goals and more! - 120 Undated Tear-Off Pages - 120 Days To Plan Efficiently - And cultivate new planning habits which may have a positive influence on your life. Procrastination, wasting time or missing deadlines? Nevermore! “To do list” - with checklist to stay on top of things; “Must get done today” - setting priorities to get the most crucial tasks done. Space for notes & stuff - add reminders, side notes etc. plus water intake - make sure to stay hydrated to keep your mind and body in flow. With the section as fitness journal & health tracker you can become the best version of yourself. Meal planner - track and plan your meals seamlessly. Appointments - never forget about important deadlines or events. Gratitude section - grateful people are usually more optimistic - add what you are grateful for today. The daily motivational quote keeps you inspired on the way to reaching your daily goals & dreams. Easily To Stay On Track: One tick after the next - what a great feeling to have completed all the to do's by the end of the day. Each small step leads to a bigger goal - and you are on the road to success.
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