Meyaar leather case 360° Full protction for your Boat Airdopes 141 Charging Case !! -- √ Never worry about scratching your Boat Airdopes 141 Case. Keep your case in their perfectly original condition. -- √ Metal clasp- Portable on the go, carrying your Boat Airdopes 141 anywhere, Perfect for outdoor activities like walking, hiking, cycling etc. -- √Slim form-fitting design allows for easy installation and continuous use without the added bulk and hassle of carrying an additional case. -- √Whether you’re using your Boat Airdopes 141 as your running mate or office pal, it keeps you moving with an unnoticeable yet rugged level of protection. -- √Precise cutouts for easy access to the charging port. --√ This cover keeps everything handy and safe while you travel. -- √anti-fingerprints, it will not adhere to dust and be easy to clean. The surface is coated with a touch oil. Package include: 1x Leather Case for Boat Airdopes 141 1x Hook Carabiner
2 days ago
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