Mamajuana is a ready-to-prepare dominican liquor. The specific herbs that make Mamajuana were originally prepared as an herbal tea by the native Taino indians, and much later in time, after Columbus, alcohol was added to the recipe. Besides being rumored to be an aphrodisiac, as many natives in the Dominican republic claims that the drink has similar effects.Mamajuana is also consumed for its medical value. Alcohol is said to act as a basis of extract which is extracted healing properties of herbs, creating an infusion of herbs is often served as a shot. The positive health effects ranging from digestion and help circulation, a blood cleanser and kidney and liver tonic. Mama Juana is a mixture of bark and herbs left to soak in rum (most often dark rum but the use of white rum is not uncommon), red wine and honey.The concoction is usually kept at room temperature and served in a shot glass. As with many other alcoholic drinks the longer the maker lets it sit the better it tastes. It is also recommended that when making your own at home from a pre-packaged bark/root mix, you first cure the dry ingredients with white rum. Discard the liquid after a few days and then follow your rum, wine, and honey recipe. By doing this, the initial bitterness is released from the bark/roots, making for a more drinkable first batch. Ingredients: Palo indio, Anamú (Petiveria alliacea or Guinea Henweed), Anis Estrellado (Illicium verum or Star Anis), Palo de Bracil (Caesalpinia echinata or Brazil Wood), Canelilla (Cinnamodendron ekmanii or cinnamon ), Bohuco Pega Palo (Cissus verticillata or Cissus sicyoides), Uña de Gato (Uncaria tomentosa or cat's claw), Timacle (Chiococca alba), spices. How to prepare? Put the contents in the bottle. Fill the bottle with 30% of wine, 30 % of rum, 30 % of honey. Shake well. Leave to infuse for a couple of days. Then pour out the bitter liquid and fill again. Its ready
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