Applied Communication Research Methods: Getting Started as a Researcher demonstrates how to apply concepts to research problems, issues, projects, and questions that communication practitioners face every day. Recognizing that students engage more directly with research methods when they experience research through hands-on practice, authors Michael Boyle and Mike Schmierbach developed this text to demonstrate the relevance of research in professional roles and communication careers. Along with its distinctive approach to research methods instruction, this text also serves as an enhanced glossary and a superior reference. Students can easily navigate key concepts and terminology, which are linked to practical exercises within the context of the instruction. In-unit activities and features provide numerous opportunities to delve further into topics covered in class, including: Research in Depth – examples of a concept being used in scholarly research Reflect and React – thought-provoking problems and issues that promote reflection and discussion Voices from Industry – Q&As with professionals working in communication industries End-of-unit activities – exercises that reinforce concepts and content Online resources, including sample syllabi, test banks, and more, are available on the companion website: Communication Research Methods is a concise, engaging work that today’s students and industry practitioners will embrace and keep on-hand throughout their careers.
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