Every choice we make leads us down a different path... but is it possible for the actions taken on one path be used to affect the choices made in another life? In his darkest hour, Jun Sakurada receives just such an opportunity: a chance to communicate with a future version of himself who did not wind the key and bring forth the Rozen Maidens, and to fix his own shattered world. For Jun-who-did-not-wind, the messages from his younger self are a beacon of hope, and when the adult Jun discovers a box with parts and building instructions for a familiar red dressed doll, the goal becomes clear: to revive Shinku in his world and save both worlds from succumbing to the evils of Kirakisho, the seventh Rozen Maiden. The Alice Game becomes a war of dimensions as two worlds hang by the threads of fate in ROZEN MAIDEN: ZURÜCKSPULEN!
1 week ago
1 week ago