THE REVOLUTIONARY ALMO NATURE CAT LITTER: Try it, you'll never look back Alma Nature's natural cat litter is an absolute revolution Its truly innovative formula will convince you that YES, it is now possible to buy a super-efficient cat litter that not only pleases your cat and brings you total satisfaction The litters Ultra Absorbent Power instantaneously reacts to the liquid. Within few seconds the soiled material solidifies in a thin flat clumps on the surface, odors are neutralized and the surrounding litter remains clean and free from contamination. It is so easy to collect the thickened clump And there is no need to take it to the bin, it can conveniently be flushed down the toilet, or even composted. When it's time to clean the tray the remaining, unsoiled litter should not be thrown away but put to one side and, once the tray is clean and dry, added again because unused litter always remain clean and hygienic
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