A cuckoo clock with a typical Black Forest house, a shingled roof and an intricately designed balcony. The beer drinker slams his mug on the table in time to the cuckoo call which is once on the half hour and on the full hour according to the time. Two alternating melodies - Edelweiss and Happy Wanderer - play every half hour. Meanwhile the water wheel turns and the figurines wearing the Black Forest costume dance around on the balcony. The clock is personally signed at the back by the manufacturer Adolf Herr . His signature guarantees the experience of 6 generations of clock-workmanship. This clock comes with a certificate of authenticity (AHC). Clock Movement: 1-Day (daily wind-up) Regula rack strike movement with night off. Clock-Face: Wooden dial, diameter 2 3/4 Inches (7 cm), with wooden hands. Dancing Figurines: Wooden Black Forest Figurines. Pendulum: Herr bolt pendulum with fine adjustment. Musical Movement: Reuge musical movment (22 tones) with two different melodies (Edelweiß & The Happy Wanderer). Chime: Nickel plated Cuckoo-Bird: wooden cuckoo (handcarved). Color: walnut dark. Size: Height: 12 1/4 Inches (31 cm), only clock case, without weights and pendulum. Width: 9 3/4 Inches (25 cm) Tiefe: 6 3/4 Inches (17 cm)
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