4 PACK Silicone Soap Molds Set Feature: -- Non-stick surface and flexible, just pop out with pressed finger. -- Easy to release and clean, dishwasher. -- Applicable temperature range -30°C ~ + 230°C. -- Great for making cake, muffin,bread, biscuit, chocolate, dessert, candles, soap,ice cube and other homemade crafts. Product Specifications: -- Shape: Rectangle -- Color: Pink/Purple/Blue/Green -- Material: Food Grade Silicone -- Mold Dimensions: 9.6" x 8.2" x 1" (28 cm x 20 cm x 2.5 cm) -- Each Mold Size: 3" x 2" x 1" -- Package includes: 4 PCS 6-cavity silicone soap mold Notes: 1. Do not use knives or other sharp tolls on silicone molds and avoid stress, pull. 2. Silicone molds can be used for freezer,oven,microwave ovens, and DO not use in gas and fire. 3.For flexible reason, we design the molds a bit soft, so you may easily release. When transferring or moving,it' s better to put the molds on a more sturdy support. 4. After use, please wash by hand or put in the dishwasher.Ensure that the silicone molds are dry before storage.
1 month ago
1 month ago