Agar is derived from seaweeds of the class Rhodophycea. Agar - a world of products depend on it In Microbiology Biotechnology Food Industry, Pharmaceuticals, Dentistry, etc. It acts as a stabilizing thickening and gelling agent. Agar Agar is used as a 100% vegetarian substitute for Gelatin (manufactured from animal boes/skins) in the food industry . This usage is fast gaining ground due to the worldwide shift to products of vegetable origin. Agar-Agar has been used for many centuries as a high performance gelling agent.Its abiity to produce clear, colourless, odourless and natural gels without the support of other colloids has been long exploited by the food industry as a stabilizing and gelling agent. Agar-Agar gels at 35-45? C and melts at 80-95?C. This unmatched natural hysterisis offers a definite advantage particularly with regard to the shelf life of food preparations.
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