Ruddigore is a dark and haunting tale of dastardly deeds and gruesome ghosts whose evil plans get scuppered by a troupe of bridesmaids, a roguish sailor and a 'little book of etiquette'. Titles: Fair Is Rose * Sir Rupert Murgatroyd * If Somebody There Chanced to Be * I Know a Youth * From the Briny Sea * I Shipp'd, D'ye See, in a Revenue Sloop * Hornpipe * My Boy, You May Take It from Me * The Battle's Roar Is Over * If Well His Suit Has Sped * In Sailing O'er Life's Ocean Wide * Cheerily Carols the Lark * Welcome, Gentry * Oh, Why Am I Moody and Sad? * You Understand? I Think I Do * Hail the Bride of Seventeen Summers * When the Buds Are Blossoming * When I'm a Bad Bart, I Will Tell Taradiddles! * Oh, Happy the Lily * I Once Was As Meek * Happily Coupled Are We * In Bygone Days * Painted Emblems of a Race * When the Night Wind Howls * He Yields, He Yields * For Thirty-Five Years I've Been Sober and Wary * Away, Remorse! * Henceforth All the Crimes; I Once Was a Very Abandoned Person * My Eyes Are Fully Open * Melodrame * There Grew a Little Flower.
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