Nourish your dog completely with animal protein and quality grains found in ORIJEN AMAZING GRAINS Original Dry Dog Food. This dog food kibble includes DHA and EPA from whole herring, mackerel and pollock oil to help support immune function, healthy skin and a shiny coat. This ORIJEN dog food also contains prebiotics, probiotics, soluble and insoluble fiber from inulin and the most amazing grains to support your dog’s digestive health. The first five ingredients of this high protein dog food are fresh or raw chicken, turkey, chicken liver, whole herring and whole mackerel, giving your dog a strong source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Made with 90% animal ingredients*, each delicious serving offers ORIJEN WholePrey ingredients including poultry and organs to provide your dog with the most succulent and nutrient-rich parts of the prey, and the freeze dried dog food coating provides a burst of flavor dogs instinctively crave. Our included fresh ingredients are delivered refrigerated and our included raw ingredients are delivered frozen. NOURISH AS NATURE INTENDED. *Approximate 90%. Derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients.
2 months ago
1 week ago