Thumb Thumb NO THUMB! Extra Strength is a natural, homeopathic thumb sucking deterrent gel for children age 2+. Our product provides a natural bitter flavor to help deter thumb sucking. We use natural ingredients including those derived from pure plant oils and fruit. It is free of Alcohol, Chemicals, Gluten, Dairy, Soy, Dyes and harmful Additives. Our formula is not intended to punish your child with an overly foul taste, but rather to safely remind your little one to break his/her habit. There is no silver bullet product that will magically break your child’s habit with a single application. In conjunction with our product, parents should use positive reinforcement, identify triggers and provide reassuring reminders to help break your little one’s thumb sucking habit. Our product should be reapplied as needed and be used as a deterrent to help your child refrain from thumb sucking. See our website for more information and for helpful recommendations on how to break your child's thumb and finger sucking habit.
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