The word heard 'round the world. Our Rattle Bombs provide the quality you seek with the maximum ease of use! Choose a color from our selection of Rattle Bomb Flake's, then pick a matching Base Coat, Kandy or mix them up and create a completely original masterpiece. Choose an All-In-1 Rattle Bomb for a lightning quick process! For a classy or even, dare we say, elegant look, choose our Pearl Rattle Bombs, perfect for your Twangin' Stratocaster or for some fine accents! Apply Basecoat before you spray any Metal Flake. To achieve Best results, choose a similar Basecoat that matches your flake, i.e. Warm Beer Basecoat for Warm Beer Flake. While this is something we recommended for first time painters, it is in no way the rule!
1 month ago
5 days ago