Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "A cord of three strands is not easily broken." This quote means that by keeping the Lord at the center of marriage, His love will continue to grow and bind the couple closer together. Symbolic of Ecclesiastes 4:12, the cross has 3 strands; Two of these strands are brown in color and one is white. The brown rope on the right and left represent the husband and wife, whereas the white rope represents God. When these ropes are braided together, they symbolize the union of God, husband and wife. This is known as "God's Knot" or a "Marriage Braid." Because of the symbolism behind the cross, couples often choose to braid this at their wedding ceremony, however a braiding ceremony is not required at all. Whether it was used at your wedding or not, there are hooks on the back of the frame that allow you to hang it on your wall. This makes it a very unique gift for almost any occasion!
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3 days ago