High-quality packaging enhances your business,Bamsod polyethylene envelopes are made from durable 100% pure plastic that is stretchable, lightweight, and waterproof and tear resistant. The bags are light enough not to add too much weight to top-notch packaging, but are not prone to ring breakage and the product can be delivered safely. Most importantly, however, the Mail Bag is only suitable for non-breakable or soft items such as clothing, books, documents, photo frames, postcards and more. Package Envelopes are lightweight, saving space and reducing shipping costs for businesses. And self-sealing polymer mailers seal in seconds, eliminating the need for packing tape and pulse sealers, saving significant cost and time compared to other packaging methods. Super Viscous Self Packaging Bags The sealable boutique cute custom shipping bags have hot melt adhesive strips on the seal, which are highly adhesive and non-tamperable - once a courier postal bag is sealed, it cannot be resealed or opened, only destructively opened it to improve the security of your package. Water and Tear Resistance Premium side seams combined with pure polyethylene plastic make these high quality poly mailers highly waterproof, extremely tear resistant, so that the gifts will stay as good as new even when left out in the cold and rain. Enhence Company Image Usable size: 10 x 13 inch Pack: 50 NOTE:There may be 1~2 pcs more or less for mechanic wrappings!
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